The Market Your Message Show

Book Launch Secret #1. Choose the Right Book Categories

Jonathan Milligan

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Welcome to this Book Launch Secrets Mini-Series! Over the next few episodes, I'll be sharing my best practices of getting both the Amazon BestSeller and #1 New Release Badge on your listing!

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Hello, and welcome to the market. Your message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan and author of the book, your message matters, and the brand new book. Discover your message. And what we're going to do over the next couple of episodes. Is, I want to take you behind the scenes of my latest book launch. So I just started a brand new series called the your message matter series. And this is going to be a series of seven books that I'm going to write over the next two years. And the first book. Is discover your message a 14 day guide to uncover your calling and find your niche as a writer, coach, or speaker. Now this book has been so well received so far, it's been amazing. It has already hit. Number one bestseller on Amazon. It's a number one new release. In several categories and what I thought I would do. Is take the next three or four episodes and take you behind the scenes of the book launch. How did I do this? This book. This latest book was a self published book. So everything I talk about, anybody can do. You know the book before that was traditionally published. And so it's always a little bit different when you're working with an organization and they're partnering with you with a book launch, but I have thoroughly enjoyed doing a book launch around this self published book. And if you're like, Hey, how do I get a copy of the book? Or the book is now available on Amazon Barnes and Nobles. Books a million and other places, you can find all the different places that they're available. By going to a new website, I've set up. Called platform growth. Platform growth. Books. Dot com and there'll be a link in the show notes. That'll show you access to all of my books. Now, the book is available in Kindle. It's available in paperback hardcover, and we have produced a 60 page companion workbook that you can write into. And fill out the exercises as you go through the 14 day. Guide in the book. Okay, so I want to talk to you today. About what I'm calling phase one. How do you hit that elusive, Amazon best seller. And hit the number one new release. Now, first things first, the Amazon best seller badge that they put on the books. Is temporary. You literally Google, how long does an Amazon bestseller badge stay on your book? And it's anywhere from 24 hours to a month. It really depends on the performance of your book. What I like better than hitting the best seller, which is great. Is to get another batch that you can see on Amazon. And if you go Google some books, in fact, if you are sorry, go to Amazon and search for some books. If you go to Amazon right now and search, discover your message. You'll see what I'm talking about. There is a badge. That says number one, new release. And then it tells you the category in mind was number one new release in starting a business category. The next couple of episodes, I'm going to talk to you about how I accomplish that and how you can too. If you are thinking of writing a book or you're going to produce a book and a future, you're going to want to tune into these episodes. Did you got the ins and outs? I'll I often tell. People that are in my coaching program. I feel like the crash test dummy, because I'm just trying things out. Somethings are complete disaster. Other things are unexpected and they work. That I didn't think would work. And so that's what we're gonna be sharing with you over the next couple of episodes. So phase one, in this episode, I want to talk about selecting the right book categories. So when you're publishing your book on Amazon, by the way you do that, by going to Katie And anybody could do this. It's free to upload books. That you right. And when you add your book, it's going to ask for three book categories. Now what happens for the average self-published author? Is there to select three random categories. Don't do that. Let's select book categories. We could actually win the number one new release badge for. The way that we do that. There's really two options. Option one, which is my favorite. Is I use a software called publisher rocket. There'll be a link in the show notes so that you can click on that link and go find it. Now, publisher rocket does a lot for self published authors. But one of the things that it does is it will show you. How many books you need to sell. In a 24 hour period to hit number one for any category on Amazon. Pretty cool. And so the goal here. Is we're going to select three categories that are going to be a little bit easier for us to hit it. So if you're randomly picking a category, like self-help. You may need to sell 700 books in 24 hours to hit. Number one. But if you pick a category, like I did starting a business. And I don't remember how many it was, but I'm just throwing something random. And it's 50 bucks in a 24 hour period. To hit number one, it's much more doable. In fact, there are categories where you only need to do 10 books in 24 hours to get that number one new release. And again, like I mentioned before, the number one new release stays on your book. Amazon adds it on the listing. For 90 days. So for the first three months of your book, You're going to have that number one new release, and it's going to create so many more purchases. When people see that orange. Badge number one, new release. Makes sense. So selecting the right book categories is super important now. Option two is a free. Way that you can do this, but it's not as scientific as publisher rocket. You're going to have to do some manual research on Amazon. And what you'll do is you go to Click on best sellers. And then on the left sidebar. Select. Kindle books. And when you get into Kindle books, it's going to show all the different categories. You want to select a category, for example, like business and money. And then when you do that, it opens up more sub categories. And then let's say you pick something like entrepreneurship. And this is going to show some more subcategories. Now, what I would recommend is that you go sub to the sub categories. To find a category that looks less competitive. How are we going to know? How competitive that category is? Again, I recommend using publisher rocket. It'll tell you the exact number of books you need to sell to hit. Number one. But if you don't have that software, The only other option you really have is to just look through the top 10 books. And see if there's some books there that have very little reviews. And when I say very little, I'm talking about under 30, under 20 reviews. If you see a couple of books that have two reviews, seven reviews, nine reviews. Then that's probably a less competitive category. And a little bit easier for you to rank number one. So that would be my recommendation there. Now again. We're talking strictly Kindle books. There's a lot of other things we could talk about with the paperback, the hard cover on and on it goes audio book. But we're talking over the next couple of episodes. Just about your Kindle books. So selecting those right book categories are super important. Now, The secret. Now, you know how you can set yourself up for success. Now, just to give you a preview of where we're going over the next couple of episodes. I'm going to talk to you about phase two, phase three, phase four. And then a bonus session that. I'm going to absolutely. Really blow your mind on how you can get five to 10. Verified Amazon book reviews every single week, ongoing. After your launch. I've been using this tool now for three weeks. And I think I'm up over 20 reviews from doing this. Can't wait to show you that in a few weeks. Where are we going to go? All right. The next episode, I want to talk about assembling your book, launch team. And. Now that I've done a couple of books, it was. Actually my third book. I've learned things along the way. I've also had a chance. To get to know. Somebody who is the book launch team expert for several New York times bestselling authors. People like Michael Hyatt. Tony Robbins, John Gordon. Tim Teebo and others. And what he taught me about book, launch teams. Really blew my mind. And I'm going to teach you all that in the next episode. So how's that for a tease? And the episode after that phase three, we're going to talk about the power of a silent launch and what is a silent book launch? And why did I do a silent book launch? And what does that mean? And then phase four, we'll talk about the 99 cent debut book launch and why I strategically priced. My public launch my Kindle book at 99 cents for the first week. And more so I hope you enjoy this series. If you've been thinking about writing a book, if you've already written books, You're going to love this series because it's going to teach you. A lot of what I've learned. Over the last couple of books on launching books. So that's it for this episode, we'll see you in the next episode where we're going to talk about your book, launch team. And how to assemble one. Even if you don't have an audience. So stay tuned for that. And by the way, if you're enjoying this podcast, will you take a moment and like share, subscribe, or even review our show? And what do you want me to cover on future episodes? Let me know. And until next time, never forget your message matters.